Ada Montalvo...

Registered Mental Health Counselor

Una Consejera de Salud Mental Registrado

As the worldviews of today are changing so are the mental health needs and well-being of individuals.

A medida que el mundo de hoy en dia estan cambiaando, tambien cambian las necesidades de salud mental y el bienstar de las personas. 

Se habla espanol




Photo from pexels-gustavo-fring-7447259 - Ada Montalvo Website

Family Therapy

45 Minute Session
$140 per session

Photo from pexels-julia-m-cameron-4144923 - Ada Montalvo Website

Individual/Children Therapy

45 Minute Session
$110 per session

Couple Therapy

1 Hour Session
$140 per session

Photo from pexels-julia-m-cameron-4144923 - Ada Montalvo Website

Life Coaching Group Sessions

30 Minute Session
$60 per session


Cognitive Behavorial Therapy

Motivational Interviewing

Mirroring Technique

Empty Chair Technique

Behavorial Child/Teen (STOP) Techniques

Journaling with Art Technique

Relaxing Techniques for Anxiety

Narrative Techniques

Changing Lives One Day At A Time

Cambiando Vidas Un Dia A La Vez

“There is truly a future of hope for you and your hope will not be cut off”

Proverbs 23.18

Ada's Blog

Mental Health Blog

image of word depression using scrabble wooden letters

Common Symptoms of Depression

As noted by the American Counseling Association depression is a common mental health disorder
affecting people of every walk of life regardless of age, race as well as ethnicity. Culture also plays a
strong role within depression symptoms so; mental health professionals must be aware of what
depression means among cultures.

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